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Empower Your Child's Ramadan with Our Online Camp

Ramadan is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to start preparing for this special month. It's a special time for Muslims all around the world, where we seek to deepen our connection with Allah and increase our good deeds.

For children, this can be a particularly meaningful time as they learn about the beauty and significance of Ramadan.

As a parent, you may be wondering how to best support your child's spiritual growth during this holy month.

We have the answer for you: Enrol your child in our online Ramadan camp!

Our online camp is designed to provide children with a fun and engaging way to learn about Ramadan and Islam. Through a variety of activities, including Ramadan lesson, Islamic stories, arts and crafts, Quran recitation, and more in shaa Allah, your child will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of this holy month and strengthen their connection to their faith.

Here are some of the reasons why you should enroll your kids in the online Ramadan camp:

  • Learn about the significance of Ramadan: Your kids will learn about the history and significance of Ramadan, as well as the rituals and practices associated with this special month. They will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of fasting, prayer, and giving to charity.

  • Fun and engaging activities: The online Ramadan camp will include a variety of fun and engaging activities, such as arts and crafts, storytelling, and Quran recitation. Your kids will be able to express their creativity, develop new skills, and have fun while learning about Ramadan.

  • Affordable and accessible: The Online Ramadan Camp is affordable and accessible to all Muslim families. You don't have to worry about transportation or any additional costs – all you need is a stable internet connection and a device to access the camp.

  • Increase their knowledge of Islam: The online Ramadan camp will provide your children with an opportunity to increase their knowledge of Islam through interactive classes and discussions. They will learn about the pillars of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad's life, and the teachings of the Quran.

  • Interactive sessions: Our camp is not just about lectures and notes. We believe that children learn best through interaction and participation. Our camp includes engaging and interactive sessions that are designed to keep children interested and motivated. From arts and crafts to quizzes and games, our camp is full of fun and exciting activities that your child will enjoy.

In addition to all of these benefits, enrolling your child in our online Ramadan camp is a great way to provide structure and routine during this busy time. With classes held three days a week, you can be sure that your child will be engaged and learning throughout the month of Ramadan.

Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Amr, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Teach your children to love Prophet Muhammad and to recite the Quran, so they can grow up as righteous individuals." [Sunan Ibn Majah]

Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower your child's Ramadan experience. Enrol your child in our online Ramadan camp today! Let's help our children make this Ramadan a truly special and meaningful time.

By enrolling your child in our online Ramadan camp, you are giving them the opportunity to learn about Islam, teach them to love their Prophet, and develop a deeper understanding of Ramadan. We believe that our camp will provide a meaningful and enriching experience for your child, and don't miss out on this opportunity to empower your child's Ramadan experience.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower your child's Ramadan experience. Enrol your child in our online Ramadan camp today! Let's help our children make this Ramadan a truly special and meaningful time.


Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Timing: 5pm-6pm UK

Duration: 4 weeks(March 20- April 14)

Fee: £2.50 per session (paid on monthly basis)

Held online via zoom platform

​Starting from March 2023, In shaa Allah

Learning about ramadan, it's significance and islamic traditions

  • Qur'anic stories and lessons for spiritual growth

  • Arts and crafts activities related to islamic culture and ramadan

  • Fasting and nutrition tips for a healthy ramadan

  • Zakat and charity education to instil compassion and generosity


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