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Would you like a FREE 2-day trial?


4-5 yrs old

Key stage 1: 
Year 1 & 2

Lower key stage 2:
Year 3 & 4

Upper key stage 2:
 5 & 6

Key stage 3:

Year 7, 8, 9

Muslim kids all over the world
Muslim kids all over the world
Muslim kids all over the world
Muslim kids all over the world
Muslim kids all over the world
British Islamic

Welcome to Al-Hikmah Kids Academy!

Aligned with the British National Curriculum and without compromising our Islamic values, Al-Hikmah Kids Academy provides a comprehensive learning experience with a variety of essential and enriching subjects without compromising our Islamic values and following the Qur'an and Sunnah. Some of our subjects include English, Maths, Science, Arabic, Tafseer, Prophetic Medicine, Geography, Business and Economics, Life Skills, Islamic history, and Islamic Self-Development, depending on the year, all tailored to nurture well-rounded individuals prepared for both life's challenges and the hereafter.

At Al-Hikmah, we focus on actionable knowledge, encouraging students to apply their learning in daily life, cultivating responsible, confident, and faithful individuals.

Join us to give your child an education where academic excellence meets spiritual growth, setting the foundation for success in this life and the next. Discover the Al-Hikmah difference, where we nurture not just minds, but hearts and souls.


Embrace the journey of knowledge and faith with us at Al-Hikmah Kids Academy.


Secondary school

Affordable Fees

Affordable Education without Compromising Quality

Secondary online

Live classes

Live interactive online classes over zoom

Primary school

Parent updates

Whatsapp group to keep parents updated with the latest school news and other important information

Reception online

Inline with Islamic Ethos

Integrated British National Curriculum with an Islamic Approach

Dedicated teachers

Reception online
British Online School


British islamic school

User-friendly LMS App for our students and their parents

Passionate teachers who 

have a love for teaching

Shaping Minds
Fostering Values
Creating Future Leaders

Begin your child's educational journey and get ahead with Al-Hikmah Kids Academy today!

Al-Hikmah Kids Academy is happy to give a
2-day free trial for your child!

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